Saturday, April 16, 2011

Sunny weather on the day of the wedding Prince

Weather forecast April 29, at the wedding Prince William and Kate Middleton: The sky was blue and the sun was shining.

Although not certain, but according to the British weather bureau - the Met - sunny weather may occur when there is no change in weather patterns from the previous year.

According to the analysis of the Met, the average temperature on April 29 in the last 20 years is 16.6 Celsius. In the last two years the weather in London on April 29 with the sun shining brightly enough.

In 1994, temperatures in the April 29 recorded 23.4 Celsius which is warm enough for the standards of London in the spring, but in 2004, the weather on April 29 had dropped to a temperature of 10 Celsius.

The average air temperature in London in early April which is the mid-spring carrying around 20 Celsius.

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