Saturday, March 19, 2011

Fukushima Nuclear Reactor

Problems at the Fukushima nuclear reactor unit 1 in Japan after a magnitude 9 earthquake rocked SR last week remains unsolved. Fear of society continue to increase in the risk of radiation although a much smaller impact than the bomb Nagasaki and Hiroshima especially the Chernobyl explosion.

Nuclear power generating facility consisting of six reactor units are indeed old age. If the explosion did not occur in the reactor building, actual reactor in Fukushima 1 Unit 1 will be retired. According the schedule, the reactor was already going to retire this month.

Scheduled, Fukushima Reactor 1 Unit 1 will retire March 26, 2011. The reactor is classified as type Boiling Water Reactor (BWR) of this second generation has been in operation since March 1971, or about 30 years.

The earthquake and tsunami that struck Japan on Friday (3/11/2011) ago, resulting in disturbances in the cooling system. Estuary is a hydrogen explosion in the secondary reactor containment building at the top. reactor shield themselves while still safe despite efforts to cool the still being conducted from Darta or air.

Fukushima 1 itself has 6 wholly reactor unit has been operated since the 1970s. Besides Fukushima 1 Unit 1, Unit 3 reactor in fact also been scheduled in the upcoming March 26, 2016. Crisis in Japan need help in world

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